Why Ai Strategy Is Hr Strategy



AI Integration in HR: It’s Not Just an IT Affair

Kirschner ardently advocates for the integration of AI into HR as robustly as it is incorporated in IT. Remember, it’s not all about number-crunching, folks. The central premise is simple – why should IT have all the fun (or dystopian fears, take your pick) when HR can benefit significantly too?

Empowered, Cross-Functional Teams: The New Dream Teams

First on the list of reasons to consider – empowering your teams across functions to own customer interactions or business processes is a proven success recipe with AI. The secret ingredient here? A culture of “psychological safety” that allows your people to take risks, learn, and innovate confidently. This could give you a leg-up on competitors who still subscribe to the old “machines replacing humans” doom narrative.

Job Function Evolution: Change is The Only Constant

Secondly, be prepared for some job descriptions to perform a disappearing act, while others might go through an incredible transformation. Instead of being caught off guard, Kirschner suggests that managing this shift proactively and strategically will lessen disruptions and could potentially unlock unprecedented productivity levels.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): The Double-Edged Sword of AI

Lastly, Kirschner points out that AI could prove to be a complicated dance partner for DEI. It could either champion these initiatives or inadvertently reinforce existing social biases. The trick, he implies, is in figuring out how to ensure AI systems are inclusive by design, which in turn could make your organization more attractive to new customers or better serve existing ones.

In short, Kirschner’s article can be summarized as a clarion call for those still straddling the fence on whether to include AI in their HR strategy. The future is here and it’s spelled A.I.
