Google, Microsoft, OpenAI and Anthropic Form Industry Watchdog



Giant Tech Firms to Police Themselves on AI? That’s Rich!

So, the tech world has found its next superhero mission: artificial intelligence safety. That’s right, the likes of Alphabet’s Google, OpenAI Inc., AI upstart Anthropic, and Microsoft Corp. are stepping up to save us from the perils of rogue AI, according to their recent joint statement.

To understand this move, imagine your neighbor, notorious for hosting wild, over-the-top parties, suddenly announces they’re setting up a neighborhood council to regulate noise. The irony isn’t lost on us, is it?

The New Sheriff In Town: The Frontier Model Forum

The tech firms’ self-imposed watchdog group, fondly named the Frontier Model Forum, will set standards for AI safety. A noble cause, you’d think. But the cynic in me can’t help but smell a bit of self-interest. After all, these are the same companies whose AI systems are causing much of the chaos in the first place.

Generative AI tools, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are becoming startlingly human-like. That’s exciting, sure. But the potential misuses and abuses are concerning, to say the least. Tech giants, under pressure to address these risks, are essentially promising to put on the brakes and monitor themselves.

Speedy Self-Regulation: A Race Against Lawmakers

In the wake of White House prodding, these firms have volunteered to put safeguards in place before Congress throws a legislative wrench in their machine-learning gears. It’s almost as if they’re racing to regulate themselves before any external parties get the chance.

“AI safety is a pressing issue, and this forum can act swiftly,” says OpenAI’s Vice President of Global Affairs, Anna Makanju. Evidently, the tech giants are in a hurry to show that they can play nice in the AI sandbox.

Collaboration and Advisory Boards: A Step Towards Transparency?

Plans are afoot to create an advisory board, formulate a charter, and establish a governance system. As an added layer, they hope to cooperate with existing initiatives like Partnership on AI and MLCommons. This might sound like a step towards transparency, but only time will tell if these mechanisms are genuinely effective or mere window dressing.

While self-regulation is a start, let’s not forget that a wider discussion is needed. Governments worldwide, including the Group of Seven nations, are looking to convene an international AI summit in the UK. Until then, the responsibility for AI safety remains largely in the hands of the companies developing it.

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s President, sees this initiative as crucial for “advancing AI responsibly” and making sure it benefits all of humanity. That’s a tall order, especially when profit motives often clash with such lofty ideals.

In the end, only time will reveal whether the tech world can effectively police itself or if this is just another attempt to keep the regulatory wolves from their doors.
