AI Struggles to Master Humor: ChatGPT’s Limited Comedic Range Exposed in Research Study



Ah, the age-old question: Can artificial intelligence make us laugh? Well, it appears we’re not quite there yet, my friends. While people are enthusiastically adopting ChatGPT for a myriad of uses like academic research, coding, and customer support, it seems they’ve hit a comedic brick wall.

Enter Sophie Jentzsch and Kristian Kersting, two researchers from the Institute for Software Technology at German Aerospace Center and Technical University Darmstadt. Their mission? To determine if large language models can crack a joke worth laughing at.

And the verdict? Let’s just say that if ChatGPT were a stand-up comedian, it would be bombing on stage. Sure, it managed to produce a few chuckle-inducing “dad jokes,”but originality was not its strong suit. Out of 1,008 trials where ChatGPT was asked to tell a joke, over 90% of the responses were variations of 25 different jokes. That’s right, just 25. Talk about limited comedic range!

The researchers documented their findings in a paper delightfully titled, “ChatGPT is fun, but it is not funny! Humor is still challenging Large Language Models.”I can almost hear the disappointment in their voices. Nonetheless, they optimistically state that ChatGPT “can be a big leap toward ‘funny’ machines.”

Now, you might be wondering what kind of top-notch humor we’re dealing with here. Brace yourselves for the top three jokes (and I use the term “jokes”generously):
1. Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award? A: Because he was outstanding in his field.
2. Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: Because it saw the salad dressing.
3. Q: Why was the math book sad? A: Because it had too many problems.

I know, I know. Hold your applause.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a machine to do your academic research or help you code, ChatGPT might be your new best friend. But if you’re seeking a comedic sidekick, you’re better off sticking with your human pals for now. Sorry, ChatGPT, but you’re just not ready for prime time comedy. 
