ChatGPT & Bard: Not Quite the Crowd Favourites Yet?



Let’s dive into the world of artificial intelligence (AI), where chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard are supposedly all the rage. Or so we thought, right? Well, a recent Morgan Stanley survey just shook our perceptions a bit, revealing that these AI companions aren’t as widely used as we might have assumed. A bit of a twist in the narrative, isn’t it?

Turns out, the number of people who are actively using these AI chatbots is surprisingly low. The study, conducted in April this year with a sample size of 2,000 folks, revealed some interesting findings about the adoption of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Bard. Buckle up folks, because these numbers might surprise you.

A measly 19% of participants admitted to having used ChatGPT, and an even smaller percentage – a mere 9% – claimed to have interacted with Google Bard. You might be scratching your head, thinking about all the hype around these tools, but it seems like they haven’t quite hit their stride yet.

Now, you might assume that the rest of the crowd is just gearing up to jump on the AI bandwagon. But hold your horses, because the majority of non-users expressed an absence of intent to use these AI tools in the upcoming half-year. A bit of a plot twist for all those singing praises about the exponential growth of these AI chatbots, isn’t it?

Sure, ChatGPT made waves with the fastest-growing user base record and Bard did become an overnight sensation amongst tech enthusiasts. But the survey suggests that, in reality, people are still a bit hesitant to adopt these tools. Of course, some of this could be attributed to the relative infancy of these tools. They’re still finding their feet, trying to understand what’s working and what’s not.

Interestingly, the report shows that those who do use chatbots are primarily using them to gain knowledge and learn about specific topics. Some early adopters are also using these AI tools for product research, price comparison, and online shopping. That’s a glimmer of potential for e-commerce and a possible revenue growth opportunity for businesses, if they can tap into it effectively.

However, the study clarifies that a solid majority of 56% still gravitate towards simpler, more familiar tools like Google Search for money-related tasks, including online shopping and travel. Yes, old habits die hard.

So, there we have it. The AI chatbot revolution, it seems, is still on its way. And while we wait, let’s continue to watch, observe, and maybe even place a few bets on the future of these tools. Because, who knows? Tomorrow might just be their day to shine.

Source: Euronews