Elon Musk Warns of AI Catastrophe and Envisions Global Peacekeeper AI at Viva Tech Conference



Here we are again, folks. Another day, another Elon Musk warning about the impending doom brought upon us by artificial intelligence. This time, he’s gracing the Viva Tech conference in Paris with his prophetic insights. If only he could limit his AI enthusiasm to Dogecoin, am I right?

Our billionaire space enthusiast, Tesla founder, and meme aficionado, Musk, has once again cautioned the world about the perils of digital super intelligence. He’s worried that if we don’t put some serious regulations in place, we might end up with a “catastrophic outcome”for humanity. How very Terminator of him.

But wait, there’s more! This isn’t the first time Musk has raised concerns about the potential menace of AI. Back in March, he joined over a thousand technologists and researchers in signing an online petition. The group warned that unchecked AI systems with competitive human intelligence might lead to “catastrophic risks to society.”They even urged OpenAI to pause the development of its artificial tool ChatGPT.

So, in case you haven’t been paying attention, Musk’s message is loud and clear: AI could be our undoing. But fear not, dear reader, for he also has a slightly less apocalyptic vision for the future.

Enter the AI “uber nanny,”a hypothetical artificial intelligence that self-appoints itself as a global peacekeeper. This AI, prioritizing human safety, would take control of all computing and weapon systems on Earth. As Musk himself said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, “One way to achieve world peace is to take all the weapons away from the humans so they can no longer use them.”

While the idea of an AI babysitter for humanity might be intriguing, we’d better hope it doesn’t take after Mary Poppins. Or, you know, Skynet.

In conclusion, it’s safe to say that Elon Musk’s love affair with AI is a complicated one. On one hand, he’s a major advocate for digital currencies like Dogecoin, and on the other, he keeps sounding the alarm about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence. It’s like a bad sci-fi movie plotline, but with better special effects and a lot more Twitter followers.[…]

Source: decrypt.co