The Wild West of Bogus LLM Papers



Hey, there’s no shortage of drama in the world of tech these days. And now, we’re seeing a new trend that’s as alarming as it is fascinating: The surge of dubious LLM papers. It seems some folks are so desperate for a moment in the spotlight, they’re willing to bend the truth to get there.

Remember when AIM made GPT-4 sit for India’s toughest exam, the UPSC? It was an interesting experiment, and GPT-4 managed a respectable score of 162.76. But here’s the thing: it wasn’t exactly a straight-up achievement. They kept tweaking the questions until the bot eventually spat out the right answers. And they only considered the first responses from the bot, conveniently ignoring any subsequent inaccuracies.

Doubtful Achievements

Take the recent MIT paper that claimed GPT-4 aced the MIT EECS curriculum. It was a big claim, with a dataset of 4,550 questions and solutions. It would’ve been an impressive feat, but some intrepid MIT seniors decided to look a little closer. Turns out, the questions were incomplete, and GPT-4 hadn’t found the right answers at all.

But the real kicker? The authors of the paper used GPT-4 to grade GPT-4’s own answers, and kept prompting until they got the “right” answer. And despite having 15 authors, none of them raised a red flag about the flawed dataset and methodology. It’s hard to believe that a mistake of this magnitude was anything but intentional.

The Problem with Benchmarking

This scenario points to a larger issue in the AI research field: a rush to publish results that’s leading to shortcuts in research. And it’s not helping that GPT-4 has become a default benchmark for testing LLMs, with no consideration for human counterparts. It’s like we’re in a house of mirrors, where the only reflection we see is another illusion【8†source】.

OpenAI isn’t exactly innocent here. With GPT-4, they’ve set a precedent of publishing vague papers with no clear technical details. And it’s leading to a situation where GPT-4 is now considered the “ground truth” for new technological advancements, particularly in the field of LLM【9†source】.

The Black Box Dilemma

This lack of transparency has had a ripple effect. Just like GPT-4, other papers are taking a black-box approach, where there’s no clear explanation or justification for the methods used. One commenter on HackerNews summed it up well, comparing the situation to social sciences, where there’s no way to validate or reproduce research.

And let’s not forget: we still don’t have any good metrics or benchmarks for language generation models. There’s no standard to measure the capabilities of different approaches, and that’s a recipe for chaos.

A Dangerous Trend

The reality is, after OpenAI’s release of the GPT models, there’s been a rush to hop on the LLM and generative AI bandwagon. It’s led to a flood of poorly grounded research and dubious papers. And it’s only going to damage the credibility of AI research in the long run. The question is, how many of these papers are just noise, and how many are actually adding value to the field? I’m afraid with the trend of GPT-4 churning out papers, the signal-to-noise ratio isonly going to get worse.
